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EYFS learning links
Children learn best through open ended activities and exploration.
Babies and Toddlers may develop skills such as of...
Enjoys filling and emptying containers.
Picks up small objects between thumb and fingers.
Makes connections between their movement and the marks they make.
Know things are used in different ways.e.g. a ball for rolling , a toy car for pushing.
Becomes absorbed in combining objects i.e. placing objects into containers.
Has some understanding that things exist, even when out of sight.
Toddlers and pre-schoolers may develop skills such as...
Selects a small number of objects from a group when asked.
Uses some language of quantities, such as ‘more’ and ‘a lot’.
Talks about the shape of everyday objects.
Begins to use the language of size.
Shows control in holding and using tools.
Sometimes gives meaning to marks as they draw and paint.
Imitates drawing simple shapes such as circles and lines.
Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.
Why stop there ? Older children may develop further skills such as…
Refining their fine motor skills
Using exciting and ambitious language to describe what they are doing
Connecting to the world around them via their senses
Using their imagination in open ended self directed play
Testing out maths concepts in real world activities (capacity, size, weight
(Not to mention the calming and emotionally regulating value of sensory play)
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